Take our free age calculator to calculate your age in years, months, days, and even hours. You can easily calculate someone's special birthday, anniversaries, and many more.
An age calculator shows the exact age of a person up to the current date, giving results in terms of years, months, days, and also in hours.
The use of an age calculator is very simple. You need to select the exact date from the date picker and click on the calculate age button, and then the result will show within a second in the result window.
The result window outputs years, months, days, and hours below the calculate button.
Personal Milestones
Calculate your age to celebrate upcoming birthdays and anniversaries.
Keep track of special dates and how much time has passed since they occurred.
Professional Needs
Verify eligibility for jobs or licenses requiring age proof.
Calculate age for academic or sports requirements.
Parental Tracking
Know your child’s exact age for school admissions, vaccinations, or activities.
Track your baby's development milestones precisely.
Fitness and Health Goals
Determine age-related fitness goals or workout plans.
Calculate your age for health assessments and medical requirements.